Holiday Virtual Backgrounds

Tis the season to add holiday cheer to your video calls. Replace your unmade bed/messy kitchen/unfinished basement with holiday shots of Omaha. 

Zoom allows users to customize their background, meaning you have the opportunity to add a little Omaha to every video conference, digital happy hour, and more. Right-click on your favorite photo below to save and use it as your virtual background on Zoom. It's a fun way to impress your friends and share your city, all at the same time! We've got your back... literally. ;-)

For video instructions on how to add a virtual background in Zoom.

For troubleshooting visit Zoom.

These photos are only for use as virtual backgrounds on Zoom. For all other purposes, please go to the photo request library.

Holiday Zoom Background Omaha Skyline

Holiday Zoom Background Dancing Santas

Holiday Zoom Background Poinsettia Tree

Holiday Zoom Background Omaha Zoo