Omaha Volunteer Ambassadors

Help your city and share your knowledge of Omaha by volunteering at the Omaha Visitors Center.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet visitors from all over the world and assist them in finding things to do, great places to eat and fun events to attend when in Omaha.

Volunteers receive training, “field trips” to various locations, and special admission to Omaha attractions. Volunteering is also a great way to connect with other Omahans. Flexible weekday and weekend schedules are available.

The Omaha Visitors Center is located at 306 S.10th Street and is open six days a week (excluding most holidays). If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the information below.

Contact Information

By selecting "yes" you are opting to receive Omaha Visitors Center Ambassador-related email communications from Visit Omaha at the email address provided above. You may opt-out at any time.

To receive emails from Visit Omaha, please review the Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Volunteer Availability

Please mark the days and times you are available to volunteer.

Red fields are required.