
Technically, I’m a pedestrian bridge. But realistically, I’m a catwalk. An opportunity for folks from all walks of life to come show off, try out, and create new ways of walking. I’ve seen a lot of different strolling styles, so I’ve collected some of my favorites for your viewing pleasure.

Who doesn’t need more cowbell? I love a little Walken on Bob – or should I say BobWalken? (Ahem, if you don’t get it, look up Christopher Walken on IMDB and prepare to have your mind blown.)

I’m a big fan of the Walking Dead. Zombies love me because no one appreciates walking like the dead!

Can you glide backwards 3,000 ft. on a swaying bridge? Turn on your favorite Spotify playlist and start Moonwalking. (No sequin glove required, but yelling "chamon" and "hee hee" is encouraged!)

Last but certainly not least, my personal favorite, Mom walking. Because who doesn't love Mom? Mother of Dragons, Mother Theresa, Kris Jenner ... you know … all the good moms.

Watch the below videos, create your own way of walking, post it, tag me, and use #BobWalking. Got all that? It’s a Walking Checklist.